Riga porter blackcurrant | 0,7 l

6,99 €
+ deposit 0.10 €

Along with the legend of Art Nouveau Baltic Porteris one of the legacies of the turn of the 20th century,which still delights us a century later. Back in the day,this beer style was so popular that elegant ladies andgentlemen enjoyed it in special porter bars. We haveenhanced this classic porter brewed in Valmiermuižaand dedicated to Riga with another, no less Latvianflavour – blackcurrants grown in Latvian gardens. 


Poured into a glass, this silky porter is very dark,reflecting the brown hue of black coffee against thelight. The aroma is that of rye bread infused with driedfruit, enhanced a moment later by bitter roasted coffee,very dark chocolate and blackcurrant notes. Initially theflavour is that of a sweet pudding, rich in dried fruit andrum, topped off by juicy, quaintly bitter blackcurrants.Sip it to savour its silky mouthfeel and aftertastedefined by the balanced and warming interplay ofcoffee and blackcurrant. 

Alc. tilp. 6,5 %
Alus stils Porteris
Krāsa / EBC 220 / melnas kafijas
Blīvums / °P 21
Rūgtums / IBU 23
Apiņi ‘Nugget’ (Halertava, Vācija), ‘Polaris’ (Vācija), ‘Tettnanger’ (Tetnanga, Vācija)
Iesals Gaišais un tumšais karameļu, tumšais Minhenes un Pilzenes, divu veidu grauzdētie
Īpašais Porteris ar Latvijas dārza karalienēm upenēm
Baudīšanas temperatūra +12–14 °C
Saderība Vai nu kā dižestīvs pēc bagātas maltītes, vai kopā ar saldiem, krēmīgiem desertiem

Valmiermuiža brewery

Unhurriedly brewed for special occasions, in Latvia beer has been the Master Brewer’s pride and joy since days of yore. As a measure of our respect for venerable traditions, at Valmiermuiža we brew unpasteurised beer patiently and nurture a culture of enjoying beer, so that beer enjoys a place of honour on the festive table just as it did in olden days.